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Life is full of 'what ifs' and 'maybes'. Cut through the confusion and seek a little guidance with one of these mystical mods for free.
- Magic Ball
Want to discover your future? Love, work, health, money… Have some decisions to make? Trying to make a choice? Or maybe often insecure about your decisions?...to know what the life reserves to you , consult the Magic ball.The Magic crystal ball will help you to see things more clearly… Magical, you only have to let yourself guided !
- Fortune Cookies
All the wisdom, none of the calories! Fortune cookies have long been the source of both revelation and confusion. The modern-day mystic has adapted to the digital age by converting these crunchy baked oracles into app form. Tap the cookie on the screen to get the answer to an important question, or find out what your fate has in store today.
- Tarot Cards
The app also gives you Tarot reading - a mysterious tradition where your fate is told through a series of cool picture cards. Installing this app will allow you to access wide variety of tarot fortune telling ways. You can ask a question or select from different categories. This is a fun app because you can also learn how to read the real cards and be the Madam Zola of the party!
- Magic Love Ball
The Magic Love Ball is ready to answer a lot of questions and predict what awaits you in personal relations and situation in love life. This Love Oracle will not give you exact instructions for action as it respects the freedom of the will, it will only suggest what you need to know to make the right decision.
- Rose Petal Oracle
Love fortune-telling with rose petals is considered sacred and has been known since ancient times. The flower itself is undeniably an universal symbol of love and affection, which can bring a lot of joy and happiness in your life. The rose is believed to have the power to change a person's life path for the better! Our free rose oracle will present strong indications of the feelings about a person you're interested in.
So are you ready to know your future?
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